Monday 25 August 2008

The Jonas Brothers invade NYC, and fans go crazy


Quiet time is a curio for the Jonas Brothers these days.

Following a limited performance for more than 500 screaming tween and teen girls at Apple's downtown Manhattan store on Tuesday nox, the brothers - Kevin, 20, Joe, 18, and Nick, 15 - huddled in a stairwell, nerve-wracking to find a quiet space to conduct an interview with The Associated Press.

Good luck with that.

Even as they spoke, their words were almost drowned out by deafening, doglike shrieks from girls still trying to find a way to get at their idols, who have set off a boy-band pop craze not seen since the lofty days of 'N Sync and the Backstreet Boys.

"You tolerant of either just face around and laugh, or just, like, enjoy it," Joe, the band's