Monday 25 August 2008

The Jonas Brothers invade NYC, and fans go crazy


Quiet time is a curio for the Jonas Brothers these days.

Following a limited performance for more than 500 screaming tween and teen girls at Apple's downtown Manhattan store on Tuesday nox, the brothers - Kevin, 20, Joe, 18, and Nick, 15 - huddled in a stairwell, nerve-wracking to find a quiet space to conduct an interview with The Associated Press.

Good luck with that.

Even as they spoke, their words were almost drowned out by deafening, doglike shrieks from girls still trying to find a way to get at their idols, who have set off a boy-band pop craze not seen since the lofty days of 'N Sync and the Backstreet Boys.

"You tolerant of either just face around and laugh, or just, like, enjoy it," Joe, the band's

Friday 15 August 2008

Paul Newman 'weeks to live'

Paul Newman has reportedly told friends and crime syndicate he wants to die at habitation after being told he only has "a few weeks to live".

The Hollywood superstar - who is thought to be distress from terminal lung cancer - has now finished his chemotherapy sessions and has told wife Joanne Woodward and the couple's three daughters that he wants to spend his final years at his home instead than the New York cancer hospital where he was being treated.

A close family quaker told the MailOnline web site: "Paul didn't want to die in the infirmary. Joanne and their daughters are beside themselves with grief."

The 83-year-old actor - who co-owns a motor racing team - has reportedly started getting his business affairs in order in homework for his death.

The friend added: "He gave a prized gondola - a Ferrari with his racing number 82 on it - to a age pal. The sudden run angered his children. It's especially hard for them to total to grips with what's going on.

"The word they've been given is that he has only a few weeks to live."

As well as three daughters with Joanne, to wHO he has been married since 1958, Paul has two daughters with ex-wife Jackie Witte.

Paul is widely considered to be one of the greatest actors in Hollywood, having asterisked in classical movies including �Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid', �The Sting', �The Hustler' and �Cool Hand Luke'.

Throughout his vocation, Paul has been nominated for 10 Academy Awards and won one of the prestigious awards for his part in �The Color of Money' in 1986.

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Thursday 7 August 2008

American Idol - Idol Host Attacked By Shark

AMERICAN IDOL host RYAN SEACREST is recovering after he was bitten by a shark at the weekend (26-27Jul08).

The TV personality was swimming in the ocean off California when his foot was nibbled by the baby predator.

He says, "I was bitten by a shark... (there were) a thousand people in the ocean, and I get mo by the shark."

According to the DJ, the diminutive shark left a fragment of tooth behind - embedded in his foot - and he has the mark to prove it.

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